Thursday, March 31, 2011

Update on my Mom

I just talked to my dad, so I thought I'd give you all an update this morning...

My Mom was readmitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. They put her in ICU because she is on a C-Pap machine, which is forcing oxygen into her lungs. The only places in the hospital that have staff trained on such a device is ER and ICU. They are giving her periodic breathing treatments of racemic epinephrine, which is the only breathing treatment option for her due to her allergy to albuterol, but that can't be given too often due to it being epinephrine and the effects it has on her heart. Her x-ray yesterday does show that she has a large amount of pneumonia in one lung, so at least it isn't double pneumonia this least so far. They have started her on the same IV antibiotic that she had earlier this month and hopefully it will be effective again.

The problem will be keeping her healthy! There is a surgery she wants to have for people with severe GERD. It will be performed at the Cleveland Clinic. In order to have the surgery, she has to be bacteria free for 4 weeks. That is a problem because right now they can't seem to keep her healthy for that long without keeping her on antibiotics all the time, which isn't possible.

They are hoping to be able to move her out of ICU and into a regular room tomorrow afternoon. Thanks to everyone thinking and praying for her. I really do appreciate it.