Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Thoughtfulness of Isaac

Isaac and I also had a funny conversation this week. I absolutely adore talking to him. I don't remember Connor and Lindsey being so into their future as he is right now. It went something like this:

I: Mom, I don't know where I'm going to live when I'm a big daddy because almost all the spots in our cul-de-sac are filled up with houses now.

M: You don't have to live by me when your a big daddy. You will have your own family.

I: But I want to live by you.

M: I'm sure we will work something out so you can be close by. (You gotta comfort him, right?!?!)

I: I'm gonna have 3 kids and work at Caterpillar with Dad. I'm not sure what I'm gonna name my kids though. One of my girls will be Rachel because I like that name, but I'm not sure about my other two kids.

M: Well, you will have a Mommy in your family so maybe she would like to help pick your names.

I: But who will be the Mommy?

M: It will be someone you love very much.

I: But I only love Lindsey right now and you said I can't marry her.

M: You have plenty of time before you need to decide. Stop worrying about these things now.


Tiffany said...

Too funny!!!