Friday, April 01, 2011

April Fools Day

Happy April Fools Day everyone! This day is mildly annoying, but I'm trying to be a good sport. It's the first year Isaac understands the day and he is full of jokes. I've been told I have a giant eyeball on the back of my head about a million times. I had to laugh at him yesterday. He tried to fool Connor and Connor said "It's not even april yet, so you can't do an april fools day joke." So, he told him another little joke and at the end of it said "March Fools." I thought that was so clever!

I got Isaac's Kindergarten screening test results back and I'm happy with how he did. He got one average and everything else was above or well above average, so that was great!! He is super excited to start school in the fall, but I'm not sure I'm ready to have him gone all day.

My mom is improving. She was moved out of ICU today and into a regular hospital room. She's not sure how much longer she will have to stay and it looks like she'll probably have to do IV antibiotics at home again when she is discharged. They are putting a call into the doctor at Cleveland Clinic and see if there is anyway he would consider doing the surgery at 3 weeks bacteria free instead of 4 and they are counting today as day 1. I'm hoping he'll agree. They are also discussing putting her on a feeding tube until the surgery. I'm not sure exactly how/why they think that would work, though. She aspirates due to reflux, now when she eats, and I would think regardless of how the food enters her system, she will still have reflux?? But, I'm not the doctor. I'm just happy to have had the chance to talk to her on the phone today because it was great to hear her voice, what little she has of it right now.

Connor and Lindsey had arts day today and they came home with arms full of projects. Lindsey was named student of the month for her class, so yeah for her!!!


Tiffany said...

Lots of good news from your house!!!! Congrats to Lindsey on being Student of the Month :) Glad to hear your mom is doing better!