Monday, April 04, 2011

Great Weekend

I had a very relaxing weekend. On Friday night, both Connor and Lindsey had sleepovers with friends. Wayne and I took Isaac out to dinner on a "date." He's been asking me to take him on a dinner date for weeks, so it was a perfect time. On Saturday, I went to the outlet mall for the day with Laura. We ate too much, shopped too much and laughed too much, so I think the day was a success. Sunday was very relaxing. We had church, took a little nap, played outside and got caught up on our episodes of Wipeout. We love watching that show as a family...cracks us up!

Today was a typical Monday around here. I ran some errands while Isaac was at Preschool. I had 2 Easter baskets to put together to return to the church for families in need and needed to get some goodies and candy. After Preschool, Isaac and I had lunch and headed off to the bowling ally to meet some of his little friends. It's just so cute watching those little guys bowl! Isaac was supposed to have his first spring soccer game tonight, but it was cancelled due to bad weather. I was so glad! It's freezing and so windy outside.

My Mom was released from the hospital today. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to her or my Dad today, but I know she was happy to be going home. She didn't have a PIC Line put in like last time. Instead she will be on 2 oral antibiotics. I'm hoping they do the trick. No word yet on the Cleveland Clinic, but I hope she soon finds out when she can have the surgery she needs.