Monday, April 11, 2011

Lots of Updates

Today is Wayne's first "official" day at his new job. I say it like that because he's been doing this job for close to 2 months. But, today is the first day he goes to his new office downtown in the Admin building rather than his old office in East Peoria. I was a little nervous when he was offered this job due to the travel requirements, but I have to say it is going smoother than I ever thought. The kids have been so well behaved and helpful when Wayne is away. I'm so thankful to them for noticing when I need their help and their willingness to step up to help me without complaint. I've got some great kids!

My Mom is continuing to improve since her last hospitalization. She is supposed to hear back from Cleveland Clinic today on a possible surgery date. I'm praying she can remain healthy until then so her surgery won't be pushed back!! She has to remain healthy for 3-4 weeks prior to surgery.

Isaac had his first soccer game on Saturday and scored the first goal of the game. He was so proud of himself. He said "I scored a goal and only used my hands!" I cracked up! Last fall, there were a few times where he would grab the ball with his hands, run it to the goal, and kick it in. Ugh! So, he's doing better at the game this time around.

Unfortunately, he spent the rest of the day Saturday doing his best to get sick. I told Wayne that afternoon that he was coming down with something...I was sure of it. Before bedtime, he was running a temp and by the middle of the night had a very croupy cough. I thought we would have to go to prompt care yesterday for steriods for croup, but when he woke up his cough wasn't so barky. He continued to cough and run a fever all day yesterday, but there wasn't much we could do to help him other than Motrin. Today, the cough has moved down into his chest, so we began breathing treatments. His temp is getting a little higher each day, but I'm sure it's just viral. He's been down this road so many times!! So, I'm taking it a day at a time and if at some point I think he needs to be seen, we'll make a doctor appt.

Connor had a very fun weekend. It was Nolan's birthday weekend. He is Connor's best friend. So they went out to lunch and to a movie on Saturday and went to play laser tag yesterday.

This will be a pretty low key week. I'm hoping to get Isaac healthy because we were planning to go visit my parents for some of our spring break and our plan is to leave on Friday morning. I just don't want to take a chance on him getting my Mom sick.