Thursday, April 14, 2011

Packing Up

I'll be spending the day packing up and getting ready to leave for Ohio tomorrow morning. We are planning to leave early so we can arrive by dinner.

Isaac seems to be finally getting over his bug. I did end up taking him to the doctor Monday afternoon because he started complaining of teeth pain, which the doctor said was due to a sinus infection. He's on antibiotics now and he is coughing much less too. I kept him home from school again yesterday because his temp was up the night before, so we've had a pretty relaxing week at home.

We have been really enjoying the weather lately. It's so nice to be able to get outside again and play with neighbors and friends!! Winter can get so long and boring.

Wayne's new job is going great! After his first day at the new office on Monday, he said it was "the least stressful day I've had in years." It's been odd having him home in the mornings this week. He was going into work around 4:30 AM, but now he isn't even getting up much before 6. So, it's been a welcome change.