Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The kids and I have been in Ohio since last Friday. I was having the best time. I spent Saturday with my Mom trying to treat her to something special. We went out to eat and got pedicures. It was so fun. We had Amish for dinner, which is my favorite!! Sunday, my brother and nephews spent most of the day with us and we saw Hop and had a cookout. Yesterday we relaxed more and then last night everything changed.

My Mom started her typical coughing and throwing up that she does at night, except she wasn't able to get stopped and was wheezing really, really bad. She knew she needed a breathing treatment and the only type of treatment she can do has to be done at the hospital, so my dad and her left for their around 3 AM. They decided to admit her because the past 3 times this has happened, she's had severe full blown pneumonia within a day or two. So they started her on her IV antibiotics right away today to keep it from getting any worse. They plan to transfer her to Cleveland Clinic tomorrow or Thursday to expedite the surgery process since there is no way she will remain healthy for several weeks before surgery.

Today, I took the kids over to the hospital twice to visit Mom, but it's hard to stay very long with 3 kids in tow. So, we spent a majority of the day at home. It is going to kill me to pack up and head for home on Thursday because I want to be here for her surgery, but I just don't see a way to make it work. I'm not much help to anyone with 3 kids here to care for and I have to get them back to start school again. It just makes me sad. I don't want to leave her.....