Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Soccer for Isaac

Isaac is playing soccer this spring. We decided not to play Connor and Lindsey because their age group was really disorganized last spring and I hear it is again this year. Next spring, I don't think any of them will play. Isaac is enjoying it, but between him being sick, us being in Ohio and the bad weather, I don't think he's played in about 3 weeks. He is supposed to have another game on Saturday so we'll see if the weather cooperates.

Both boys are starting Baseball this week too. Isaac has practice on Friday and a game on Sunday. Connor starts practice next week. I'm not sure yet when he has his first game.

Here are a few pictures from his first game a few weeks ago. He scored a goal, in which he declared "I scored a goal and I didn't even use my hands!" We laughed. I love watching these little ones learning the sports.

Isaac's biggest fans!
