Saturday, June 25, 2011

So sorry!

I have to apologize to any faithful blog readers of mine. I know I'm WAY past due for updates! My dear youngest boy had been begging me to start "his book." He loves looking at Connor and Lindsey's scrapbooks and has patiently waited for me to get his started. I was feeling guilty because I haven't really felt like doing traditional scrapbooking for a while. So, I thought I'd give digital scrapbooking a try. I LOVE it! So, I've been spending all my spare computer time working on that. I'm up to his 3rd birthday in just a few months time. So, I'll be back, but I want to give him the book he wants so badly.

The biggest news around here is that we are moving again. Wayne has accepted a job as a Quality Manager in Milwaukee, WI. Apparently he impressed the people at Bucyrus while working on the CAT/Bucyrus integration because he was on everyone's list to hire. However, this is where he will land. He doesn't think this will be a long term assignment, so maybe we'll be back here again soon, which is really my hope!

The kids are accepting the news better than I thought. We had tears from some, myself included, but they have generally been very welcoming to the idea of moving to Milwaukee. We've talking about all the fun things to do up there and that has helped tremendously. Lindsey was again the most upset and my Mommy guilt caved and said she can get the much desired dog she has been begging for over the past year or two. I really don't want one, but she is such a good girl and is so loving and selfless that I figure she deserves to share that love with a pet. I know she'll be so good with it. She is a total animal lover! The dog won't come until probably springtime because I'm NOT potty training a puppy during a WI winter!

Isaac is having his tonsils out this upcoming week. I'm extremely nervous given Lindsey's hard time, but I think he'll do okay. I just want to rid our family of strep throat! I'm so over it.

That's about it for now. We leave tomorrow for our second house hunting trip and hope by tomorrow night to decide if we are buying or building a house in Wisconsin.