Tuesday, September 06, 2011

I'm back!!

I'm so sorry for falling off the face of the earth the past few months. I really just had a lot on my plate at the time and needed to back off some things. However, now that school is back in full swing and all the kids are gone all day, I am ready to dive back into blogging again.

We have lived in Wisconsin for almost 4 weeks now. Things are coming together it seems. We are settled into the house. We need to organize the basement storage room, but I figure we can do that sometime this winter. It's not going anywhere. But, everything else is unpacked, pictures are hung and all I'm waiting on is Lindsey's new bedding to arrive. Then, I'll throw up some pictures of the new place. Our neighbors here have all been very nice and welcoming. There are tons of kids Isaac's age, so he's set for new friends. Lindsey has made friends with a few girls at school and the twins across the street that are a year younger than here. Connor is a little more sluggish on the friend making, but starting school last week helped a ton! There are a few boys in his class that he plays football with on his JFL team.

Here is Connor in his new team practice uniform. He hates the colors of gold and purple, but is getting used to it. Football is INTENSE here! Holy Crap! Sometimes I just want to remind the coach that they are only 5th graders! Ugh!

Isaac became GREAT friends with the movers during our packing and unpacking. He spent the entire day they unloaded our house working side by side with them. They would give him little things to bring in. He would only take a break when they did. When I called him for lunch, he asked the driver if he could "take 5." That boy cracks me up!

Isaac and his crew! Best movers we've ever had!!

Connor and Lindsey had their 10th birthday the day after moving into our house. We had to pause from unpacking to celebrate with a DQ cake.

We have a new addition to the family. This is Sadie May. She is a European Bred Boxer. I picked her out about a month before we moved and had her flow to us. It was a surprise for Wayne and the kids. They have been after me for a puppy for close to 2 years. I really didn't want a dog again, but Lindsey really needed a dog. I knew she would take very good care of her, so she was mostly the thing that put me over the top to agree. She arrived a week after we moved into the new house. I know...crazy! However, we were mostly unpacked and she arrived at a perfect time. Everyone was a tad homesick and we had her to love upon. She's been a great puppy so far.

First Day of School!!! The kids started school on September 1. I cannot believe that Isaac is in all day Kindergarten. I miss him so much during the day. They only had school for 2 days last week and I'm glad for that. They all seemed tired by Friday afternoon. This week, they go 4 days, so it's nice that they get to ease in a bit. The days seem long when I'm home alone. For now, I have a puppy to house train, but I'm going to need more to do. I signed up for practically every volunteer opportunity at the kids school, so that should help keep me busy.

All the kids at the bus stop!

The moment Isaac has looked forward to for years. Finally he gets to ride on that bus!

I took this picture this morning before school. Sadie's breeder wanted an update and picture to put on their website. The kids LOVE this dog!