Wednesday, September 07, 2011

New Doctor

Today has been a good day so far.  After I got the kids on the bus, I headed to a new patient appointment with my new doctor.  Those are always fun...LOL!  Everything looked great and I got all my prescriptions changed over.  Afterwards, I explored a few stores for fun and then dropped by the kids school to give them our new home phone number and email address.

Our afternoon/evening time has been crazy since school started.  The kids bus is supposed to come at 4:00, but it's been closer to 4:15.  Connor has to be at football by 5:00 and he's always starving, so I have to get dinner in him real quick.  So, he can't do homework until he's home and showered which is usually between 7:30-8:00.  It does make the evenings go by quickly.  I try to watch some of his practices each night, but I don't stay the entire time.

Lindsey is starting dance next week.  We found a wonderful new studio.  She is taking Tap, Jazz and Modern.  I think she'll really like it!

Isaac isn't involved in anything outside of school this fall.  Just going to school all day has been enough to tire him out!