Friday, September 09, 2011

Ouchies & Illness

Connor took a huge hit at football last night.  I was there and NO, I DID NOT RUSH ONTO THE FIELD.  (See Mom & Dad... I can refrain from completely embarrassing him.)  He ended up on the bottom of a pile and got the wind knocked out of him along with getting his right index finger stuck in someones face mask.  It's not broken, thank goodness, but it's discolored and swollen and causing some discomfort.  Hopefully it will be better in a day or two.

I was thrilled it was Friday because Isaac was melting down last night and having a hard time this morning, so I knew he was tired from school.  About 30 minutes after school began, I got a call from the secretary to come and get him because of possible pink eye.  I really don't think he has pink eye, but I've been concerned that he's allergic to something here because he's been rubbing his eyes a lot the past few weeks.  They are very red.  So, he has a doctor appointment this afternoon to see what's going on with him.  In the meantime, I think a little nap would be appropriate for him.

Connor has his first football game tomorrow, so he's pretty excited!!  That is the only thing on our schedule for the weekend, so I'm pretty excited too.  Now that we're settled in, we could all use a little downtime this weekend.


momandadcharlton said...

Now that you are settled in you can put up some pictures up of your house.