Monday, September 12, 2011

Bad Puppy!

I guess I should start with an update from Friday.  I did get Isaac in to the pediatrician and he did not have pink eye, which is what I thought.  He is suffering from allergies, though.  So, he's on a nasal spray and allergy medicine now.  He's already tons better, thank goodness!

This morning did not start off well.  Sadie has been getting a little too rough with Isaac starting this weekend.  I think it's because she's a dominant dog, which isn't uncommon for her breed, and he is the closest to her size. We were watching TV just getting ready to start getting ready for school when Sadie got ahold of Isaac's ear.  She bite him pretty good and there was a lot of blood.  I was sure he would need stitches or glue...again...but we were lucky.  Although the would was deep and wide, the doctor said they don't close bites unless absolutely necessary because it can trap bacteria from the animal inside the wound and cause infection.  So, it got a thorough cleaning and bandaged up.  They wanted to give him antibiotics, but since Isaac is allergic to several, she said to wait and if it does become infected to call and they will then prescribe something for him.  Isaac is sure Sadie doesn't like him and that is why she did it.  I kept trying to tell him she is just a puppy and like a baby has to learn how to behave.  But, this "puppy nipping" has got to stop.  I told Isaac he is no longer allowed to sit on the floor and play on the main level.  If he is on the same floor with her, he needs to be on a sofa or chair until we get this under control.  Hopefully she'll get her big dog teeth soon and stop nipping altogether.

Another weekend update...Connor had his first football game on Saturday.  His team won 40-6 and he was super proud.  I don't even want to discuss week one of the NFL season.  Ugh!

Tonight, Lindsey starts dance and she is thrilled!  She is taking Modern Dance on Mondays and on Tuesdays has Jazz and Tap.