Saturday, September 17, 2011

Busy Week!

This week seemed to fly by so fast!  Lindsey started dance class this week and she loves her new dance studio, so I'm thrilled.  Homework is really picking up, so we've been up late each night working on that.  The kids get home so late from school that Connor really has no time before football to work on any of it. So, he starts homework around 7:30-8:00, so on a night with a lot of homework to do it gets pretty late.  Ugh!  Football season is always so busy.

Thursday was my birthday and I got a comfy new robe, which is exactly what I wanted since I have to get up early in the morning to take Sadie out to potty.  We didn't really do anything to celebrate on Thursday because we just had no time, but we went out to dinner last night, so that was nice.

Wayne and Lindsey have Sadie at puppy school this morning.  Hopefully they can get some tips on how to stop her nipping because she bit Isaac's other ear last night.  Ugh!!!  Other than that, she's really been a great puppy.  I just need to finish getting her housebroken.

This afternoon is Connor's 2nd football game and it looks like a great day for it.  Low 60's and sunny!  Other than that, we have no real plans the rest of the weekend.  Yeah!!!  I look forward to some down time.  We've been crazy busy since moving trying to get the house the way we want it.  Tomorrow Wayne will try another church, so hopefully we'll find one soon that will fit our needs and likes.