Thursday, October 13, 2011

Busy Week!

This has been one crazy, busy week!  I can't believe it's already Thursday, but I am glad for the opportunity to sit down some today.  I shouldn't complain, though.  I'm happy to have things to do to keep busy now that the kids are all in school.

Yesterday, I spent 75% of my day at the kids school.  We went to the book fair before school, then I went on a field trip with Isaac's class.  Next, it was my day to shelf books in the library.  I finished up around lunch time and headed home to let the dog out to potty before returning to school to help Isaac's class shop the book fair.  Oh...and I got to do my first school fire drill in about 12 years!  It was a great day!

Today has been much more low key.  I've done laundry and the painters came to do some touch up work on areas where pictures had been hung while the house was being used as a model home.  Sadie was thrilled with their presence in the house.  She loves everybody!