Monday, October 10, 2011

Family Hike

What a gorgeous weekend!  I've been thrilled with the weather the past week.  It's been gorgeous.  I totally thought we were done with shorts and t-shirts, but we've been wearing them again all week.   Although, it's going to turn cold again this week.  Bummer!  I'm so not ready to experience my first Wisconsin winter.  The fire hydrants around here have these huge wire things attached to the top of them so they can be seen when the hydrant itself is covered with snow.  I've been told they never cancel school, but that snow removal here is done quickly and efficiently.  So, for now...I'll just be thankful for this nice fall weather!

Yesterday, we went to our local park and hiked some of the trails.  It was so peaceful and the kids loved it.  Every now and then one of them would ask if we were SURE we knew how to get back to where we started.  

Wayne took some pictures of Sadie yesterday and I just LOVE how this one turned out.  It's so cute!!


Tiffany said...

Haha, that picture of Sadie is hilarious. So cute!