Thursday, October 06, 2011

Getting Settled!

I guess it's official...I live here.  I was at the store on Tuesday and ran into someone I knew.  I was surprised, as I know so few people here, but it made me feel like an official resident.  No more going to the store looking like crap for me!

I think friendships are starting to be formed for me too, which is a relief. I'm going to start walking with my neighbor across the street, so I'm thrilled to have a walking partner.  Last night, I walked with her and another gal joined us part way through.  It was nice to have some time to chat with other ladies.  Then, we all hung out in our driveway with about half the kids in the neighborhood.  It was great!  It reminded me so much of our cul-de-sac having all the kids gathered at my house playing together.  I love it!!!

Yesterday I went with Isaac's class on a field trip to a local apple orchard.  The apples were delicious.  Nothing like picking it right of the tree and eating it.  Yummy!  I had a terrible migraine by the time I got home, so it was a good reminder of why I didn't really love teaching...LOL!  It was fun, though.  Today, I'm heading back up to the school to help with the book fair.  The kids in K-2 fill out wish lists and they need helpers to fill them out.