Monday, October 03, 2011

All About Me!

So, I'm going to let you into my heart today and it be makes me nervous.  There has always been one thing in my  life that I've been extremely self conscious about and that is my weight.  It's been a struggle for me since my sophomore year in high school.  That is when I began my first of many, many diets.  I've often joked about my size and that was my way of letting all of you know that I knew about the elephant in the room.  However, I promised myself that I would get a handle on it and take care of ME once the kids were all in school and I had more time.  Well, I started this past summer because I just didn't want to wait any longer.  

It's not been easy at times and it's definitely been as much of an emotional/mental change as it has been physical.  It's been all about redefining the importance and need for food and exercise in my life.  Anyway, I've been working hard and making progress and I finally felt ready to share that with all of you.  I took some "before" pictures the day I started when I was at my all time highest weight ever.  I won't get into how much weight I've lost so far, because it's just too personal for me, but I can say that I've dropped about 2 sizes so far and I'm close to dropping another one in the near future.

I hope all of you can understand how difficult it is for me to share this with all of you...especially the "before" photos.  But, I'm proud of myself and the changes I've made and it was time to open up about it.  I won't call the new pictures the "after" pictures because I'm not done!  There is more weight to loose, so I'll share with you again at some point.


momandadcharlton said...

Wow... the change is really obvious. You keep up the good work.

Tiffany said...

You look absolutely fabulous! Good for you :) Can't wait to see you soon, it's been too long.

Mary said...

AWESOME!!!! I'm so happy for you, even though you know I love you no matter your size. Good job!!