Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sorry...I am really trying to get to this blog more often, but time just gets away from me.  Right now, I feel like I live in a cold rainforest.  It has rained for 6 straight days.  Guess what tomorrows forecast calls for...more rain!  However, that is the end of it and the rest of the 10 day forecast calls for SUN!  I want to take advantage of the little amount of outdoor time we have before winter hits us.

Yesterday, I volunteered at the Library at the kids school.  I finished up just in time to go have lunch with the kids and they were all thrilled to have me there, so that was nice.  Last night, I went out to dinner with some Mom's of other kids in Isaac's class.  There were 8 of us and it was really nice to meet the parents of the kids Isaac has been talking about at home.  Today, I cleaned the house and paid bills and then tomorrow I need to catch up on laundry.  Even with no kids at home, I'm keeping busy!  This weekend is full with puppy school, Connor's football game, 2 birthday parties for Isaac to attend and church.  Wayne thinks he found "the church."  So, this week, we will all go check it out.  The funny thing is...the lead pastor of this church lives in our neighborhood!  They have some awesome youth programs at this church, so hopefully the kids and I will connect with it too.