Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome to the Crazy House!!

If you pass by my house between the hours of 3 and 5 and here me screaming, crying or generally sounding like I'm losing my mind....there is a strong possibility that I am!

This is going to be one crazy fall and it's only just beginning. Connor is playing JFL and for tackle, the boys practice 4 nights a week from 5:30-7:30. Games begin on Sept. 11 and continue every Saturday until the end of October. Once games begin, they stop practicing on Wednesdays...Woo Hoo...do you hear my sarcasm?!?! Oh, and Wayne is coaching Connor's team, so where Connor goes, Wayne goes. Which means, I get to tote the other two around everywhere else

Isaac has begun his first season of soccer. He will be practicing Tuesday & Thursday from 5:30-6:30 and games on Saturday...also beginning Sept. 11. Once he starts games, he will have games on Monday & Saturday with a possible practice one other night during the week. This practice has not been decided upon yet and I'm crossing my fingers and toes that his coach doesn't think it's necessary.

Lindsey also decided she wanted to play soccer this fall. This came as a huge surprise to us this spring when she mentioned wanting to play, but she could use the exercise and I'm proud of her for going outside her comfort zone and playing without Connor on her team or Wayne as her coach. She was super nervous, but had a great first practice, so she's feeling better now. She will be practicing or playing a game every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. She also has piano and thank goodness tomorrow is the last Wednesday lesson before we go back to Friday again. I really wanted to let Lindsey do either dance or gymnastics again this year, but right now I just cannot add anything else to our schedule. Maybe in the winter we can add something else for her.

Today, the kids got home from school and between the two of them had SEVEN homework assignments to complete (ugh!). I hate making them do it as soon as they get home at 3:00, but since we are all out the door by 5:15 and not home until practically bedtime, that is the only option right now. Poor Isaac misses the kids like crazy while they are gone and he wants to play with the two kids trying to "concentrate" and do homework which causes a ton of problems. By 4:00 we're trying to eat dinner so the kids have dinner settled before running around at practice.

Let's just say...my evenings are stressed right now to say the least! Now I'm off to Isaac's preschool open house. He's super excited to meet his teacher and see his new school. Hopefully he likes what he sees today because I don't want a repeat of last years preschool experience!