Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lindsey's New Hair

Today I finally pulled the plug on Isaac's preschool. I could no longer deal with the stress of having him so upset about school. His anxiety level was threw the roof!! I was planning to wait until I officially had him enrolled in another program before removing him from Little Lambs. However, it is now to the point that I would rather him just be at no preschool than going there. He just seems to completely hate going there. It's so sad! I really did not anticipate this. Today when I told him we were all done going there, he was so happy. I just acted like it was the end of the year and said "It's all done, it's over." He was smiling ear to ear, so I know I made the right decision.

I called First Federated Preschool in Peoria and they have an opening. A friend of mine sends her twin boys there and is really happy with their program. So, I discussed it with Wayne and he is all for me putting Isaac there. I wish it was local in our town, but beggars can't be choosers at this point. Everywhere here is full except where we are currently, so I have to look in another community. I hope to have things confirmed tomorrow and can take him this week to see the school and hopefully he can start there next week.

I took Lindsey tonight for a haircut. It looks pretty darn cute on her. We went with the popular stacked bob that all the girls are wearing right now. She seems pleased with it! We told Grandma that we'd post some pictures, so here you go... Also, Lindsey wanted me to point out that she is wearing her new outfit that she picked out all by herself. She is very proud of it and said she received lots of compliments at school today.

Finally....I added a new post on Connor's blog, so check it out.


Mary said...

Cute hair and clothes!