Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Update & Pictures

I had the camera out before school today, which is rare for me. Lindsey got her new haircut last night AND wore a new outfit to school, so we had to get some pictures of her. So, I thought I better take some of the boys too. Of course, Isaac is in his PJ's because he isn't going to school anymore this week. Here are the pictures I took...

I took Isaac on a tour of his new preschool today. He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!!!!! He can hardly wait to start next week. I'm so glad. I have a really good feeling that this program will be a much better fit for him. On the way home today in the car, he said "Mommy, I won't cry at my new school cause mommy's don't stay there and that is okay." So, I think he's going to done great!

I forgot to update about our Orthodontist visit this week. The kids went on Monday and we found out that Lindsey should get her expander off in about 8 weeks! YEAH! Also, Connor should only have to wear his headgear for 4 more weeks, which is awesome. We hate that thing. I'm guessing he'll get his expander off soon too since we have been done with the expansion for months...we've just been doing the headgear to correct his severe cross bite. I'm so happy!


momandadcharlton said...

I like how Isaac is learning to pose like Lindsey when he gets his picture taken. They are even starting to all look alike. I do think you better lock Lindsey away for a about 10 years until she gets at least out of high school. She is getting to be such a pretty young lady.