Monday, October 05, 2009

Road Rash

Isaac had a MAJOR wipe out on his scooter last night. He is so coordinated that this has never happened before, but he took a massive header down the driveway yesterday and skidded right into the blacktop....face first. It's looking pretty bad. I cleaned it up good before bed last night and put some neosporin on it, but I'm sure it will be a week or so before it's looking much better.

I finally got to meet our new neighbor baby, Levi. Can I just say that he is SO DARN CUTE!!! It's probably a good thing that I am no longer physically capable of carrying a child or I'd have some serious baby fever now. I told Carrie that I will just be a baby holder for her any time!

Wayne is off all this week. It's his final week of mandatory lay offs for this year. I'm going to miss these weeks. We've had fun! We're not doing any major projects this time, which is nice. We're just getting some little things crossed off the "honey do" list. The kids don't have school on Friday, so we are hoping to take them to Tanners Orchard for some fall fun. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!


momandadcharlton said...

Isaac looks so sad. I can't believe he would fall off his scooter, he does so good, but even the best have accidents I guess. Hope you have a good time this week.