Thursday, December 10, 2009

BRRRR!!!'s COLD outside! I had zero desire to get dressed and leave the house today, but I'm not letting subzero weather stop me!!

Isaac had preschool today, so we headed out early to drop off our Christmas Cards and stop at the ATM. After I got him to school, I ran to Hobby Lobby, Target and the Mall. I wanted to finish up my Christmas shopping and look for myself a pair of winter boots. I struck out in many different ways. I was able to get gifts for the family our neighborhood adopted. I got each child a game and an outfit. I was hoping to get my parents gift, but the store I went to was all out of them...darn it! I looked at several stores for a pair of boots and hated them all. I'm just not a fan of boots, which is probably why I don't have any even though we've been back in IL for several years. So, I still have a few Christmas gifts left to buy, but I'll get to them probably next week.

Wayne will be home soon and I'm heading to the grocery store. I usually do that on Friday mornings with Isaac, but it's just too cold and I don't want to take him out in this weather any more than necessary. So, I think tomorrow he and I will start baking Christmas cookies. That should be fun!! He loves helping bake stuff. Actually, I think he loves helping lick the beater from the mixer.

An Update on my mom: She is getting over her Swine flu and stomach flu. The stomach flu has been pretty darn contagious and is spreading it's why through my whole family back home. So far it his my dad, mom, niece, nephew and brother. I hope they are all better soon and I'm glad I live in IL...LOL!!!


Mary said...

I hate boots too! I just bought my first pair of "fake" uggs at Kohls the other day. They are soooo comfy even though they are UGLY!!!!!!