Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Isaac's Dreams

Every morning, I ask Isaac if he had happy dreams last night. a few times over the past few months, he has given me some odd answers about dreams he's had and I thought he was just using his imagination. I'm beginning to think he really does have these really vivid dreams sometimes.

This morning, I woke up around 6 AM and I could hear him quietly crying in his room. I went in there and he was sound asleep. I left the room and within minutes he woke up and came in my room and crawled in bed with me and was still upset. I asked him what was wrong and he said "I had a scary dream, Mommy." Then he told me about his dream...it goes something like this:

He was riding on the back of Wayne's bike and Connor was riding his bike too when a lion appeared just as they got to our driveway. They all fell off their bikes but he was lucky because a pillow was under his head when he fell. Then he saw the little mouse and he yelled to the little mouse to get inside before the lion got him. He was so afraid that the lion would get the mouse and hurt him.

He dreams a lot about animals and there is often a scary lion. Maybe he isn't making this up after all? Is it possible for toddlers to dream so vividly and remember them?


Mary said...

My kids have always had dreams and remembered them. Isaac might be starting to wake up a little close to morning because he needs to pee so then he is in a lighter sleep and remembers his dreams. I remember the girls doing that.

Michelle said...

He told Wayne about his dream last night and it was exactly the same as what he told me, so I'm pretty sure it was a real dream.