Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boys New Room

I got some pictures of the boys room today. That sounds so funny to me...boys room. Anyway, they are still loving being together and today Isaac woke up and Connor slept an additional 30 minutes. So, they seem to not be bothering each other at all. They've been in the same room for 3 nights now and there haven't been any issues. Yeah! I think we're going to turn Connor's old room into a big kid game room for the time being. Until he wants it back as his own. We're going to put the air hockey table in there because it's a beast and takes up too much basement space. I hate it! Then I think we'll throw a sofa up there and a TV and the Wii. The kids are the only ones who ever really play Wii, so I won't miss having it in the basement.

Anyway, here are pictures of the boys room. I think it turned out great.

Connor's bed and dresser.

Isaac's bed and dresser.


Laura said...

Looks Great! I'm so happy the boys are doing well with sharing a room!