Monday, February 22, 2010

Unexpected & Sad

Sorry I haven't updated in a week. Last week, we did our usual, housework...boring! Thursday, I did take Isaac to Chuck E Cheese with my friend, Tiffany, and her boys, Connor and Drew. They are twins just a bit older than Isaac. That was fun and Isaac was a pretty good boy while we were there and didn't throw a fit when we left, which was good!

Saturday morning, we received some very sad news. Wayne's cousin, Tim, unexpectedly past away. Tim lived just about 2 hours north of here and was just here again this year over Thanksgiving weekend. He was only in his 40's and leaves behind two daughters, ages 12 and 9. We are so, so sad about his passing. He was always so fun to be around and our kids adored playing with him when he would come to visit. Please keep the Bolin family in your prayers.

Yesterday, we spent the majority of our day (with the exception of church and Connor's basketball game) moving furniture around the house. Connor and Isaac have been repeatedly asking to share a room and they caught me at a moment of weakness and I finally caved. So, we moved Connor and all his furniture into Isaac's room and moved Isaac's furniture into storage. This made the most sense since Connor had the bunk bed furniture set that he and Lindsey used to use in NC and Mt. Zion. So, we already had 2 beds, 2 dressers and a bookshelf of that set. The room turned out very nice and not nearly as crowded as I was afraid. I have an irrational fear of putting too much stuff into one room...I'm a goof, I know. I'll try to get some pictures sometime.


Tiffany said...

so sorry to hear this michelle. hugs.