Monday, February 15, 2010

Presidents Day

The kids are out of school for Presidents Day, but we have kept busy! Last night was great. We had small group and then Wayne and I went out to dinner...alone! We went to Basta and it was delicious, as always. The kids got to have a movie night and stay up late, so here are some pictures of them vegged out on the great room floor.

Lindsey and Isaac have been after me for months to have a sleepover together. It's not unusual for Lindsey to sleep in Connor's room on the weekend. He has bunk beds, so she just sleeps on the top bunk and they enjoy it. Isaac has been so mad he hasn't had a sleepover with either of the kids yet, so I finally caved last night and let him sleep in Lindsey's room with her. I told him that the first time he got up, he was going to his own bed. I thought it would last about 15 the most. I was wrong. I never heard a peep out of them and when I went to bed, this is what I sweet!

Today, we left home around 9:45 and headed to the mall. Gap was having an entire store 45% off sale and I could not pass that one by! So, I basically let the kids pick out what they thought was cute. I still do most of the shopping for them just running by them what I pick out to see if they like it. So, they thought today was special that they were picking stuff out. I didn't buy everything they liked, but I let them each get a few things. They were thrilled.

They had dentist appointments next and Isaac got his teeth cleaned for the first time. No cavities for any of them, so that was good. I had the hygienist give Lindsey the talk about brushing better, but I think I've done that every visit for the past 2 years and I don't think it helps. She is terrible. I actually kinda wish she would get a cavity sometime just to teach her a lesson, but she seems to have my hard teeth! But, that is good. I had to laugh when the dentist came out and asked if I had noticed that Isaac has a chipped front tooth. I was like "Yeah, he did that about 2 years ago with a face plant to the kitchen floor during a temper tantrum." He didn't think we need to do anything about it since it had been so long. Apparently some times kids will damage that tooth and it will slowly kill it off, but since it's been 2 years, he thinks it is okay. So, we can just await the day for it to finally fall out and get a whole tooth in it's place!! :)

This afternoon, Isaac had half pint again. It's a 30 minute sports program through the park district. They do 3 weeks of basketball and 3 weeks of soccer. Today was the final day of basketball. Here are some pictures from today.

Tomorrow I look forward to everyone going to school in the morning and having a little time to myself!! Not sure what I'll do while they are gone, but I'm sure I'll find some way to keep busy!