Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Nothing too exciting going on around here this past week. We have made it through another week of winter and I'm so ready for spring! I'm over this snow!! I feel like I've been freezing the past few days too. I think it's mental. I just feel colder when it's snowy outside!

Wayne and I are greeters in church this month. I expected some harassment after wearing our Colts jerseys last Sunday. However, everyone was nice. We got lots of "are you over the loss yet?" comments, but nothing too bad. That was nice! :)

We have small group this afternoon at our house and then our babysitter is staying longer to watch just our kids while Wayne and I go out for dinner to celebrate Valentines day. So, I'm looking forward to that!

The kids have dentist appointments tomorrow since they are out of school. That is just about all we have going on next week.