Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another one bites the dust

Now Isaac is sick. GRRRR!!!! Not sure what is wrong with him yet. He was complaining earlier today about being really cold and having goose bumps. In our house, that translates as a fever...especially when it is 95 degrees outside!! So, I checked him out and yep...102 temp. His only other complaint has been a tummy ache and he isn't eating much. So, I guess we'll see if he's coming down with strep from his sister or if he has some other sort of virus. All I know is that he feels cruddy and has been down resting most of the day.

Connor had his first day of football practice last night. He will have practice 4 nights a week for 2 hours, which I think seems a bit excessive, but they don't care about my opinion...LOL! Right now the heat index is over 100 degrees and I hate knowing that he is out there running around until 7:30. Ugh! At least Wayne is there to keep an eye on him.

The kids found out yesterday who their teachers are for the upcoming year. I don't know anything about either teacher except they are both younger, newer teachers, which is fine with me. They both have some friends in their classes, so they were okay with that. Connor is bummed because the "most mean and disgusting kid" in the grade is in his class this year. Connor can get along with anyone, so this kid must be pretty bad for him to say that. He was the ONLY kid Connor didn't want in his class and he is in there. Lindsey had him in her class last year and the teacher kept it under control, so hopefully that will be the case this year as well.

Well...Isaac is in need of care, so I gotta go.