Sunday, August 15, 2010

Connor's New Room & JFL

Another crazy busy week has passed. Isaac was sick all week, so no pool time for us. Thankfully he seems almost back to normal, so I'm hopeful for a better week. I had a garage sale Friday and I'm so happy I took the time. I only spent 4-6 hours getting everything out, arranged and priced and I made a good amount of money. I have been bit by a redecorating bug and Wayne said I could use my garage sale money to redecorate anything I want. So, I am!!

I am putting the majority of the money towards redoing my front sitting room on the main level. I've already bought the majority of what I need. Just a few more accent pieces and it will be done and I will put up some pictures.

We also decided that since Connor has to be up for school before 6:30 AM this year, we should separate he and Isaac back into their own rooms. They weren't happy about it, but now that it's mostly done they seem excited about having their own space again. Connor went back to his old room but he was thrilled to know that we were keeping the TV and Wii in there. He will have rules regarding the hours in which is it to be off, but I'm not too worried about it. I only moved back one of the bunk beds because we kept the other one in Isaac's room for him to continue to use.

Connor's room is DONE! He's using the same Colts theme he's had for a while because we love it. The only thing missing is that the kids are getting these bean bag gamer chairs for their birthdays, so they aren't in there yet. Here are some pictures.

Connor starts full contact practices for JFL in a week, so he tried on his practice uniform today. OMG...I wanted to cry!! When did he get so big. I have to admit, as much as I love football, I'm having anxiety about the first full contact practice next week. I hope he doesn't mind being slammed repeatedly. UGH!

Isaac is also getting a bedroom makeover, so when it all arrives, I'll post pictures.


Mary said...

OMg, my kids would be outraged if only one of them had a tv and wii in their room!!

Michelle said...

Connor is really the only one who ever uses the video game player. He understands that it isn't "HIS" TV is all of theirs. If I hear any possessiveness, I'll yank it out immediately and he is aware of that.