Thursday, January 13, 2011

Christmas 2010

We had such a nice Christmas this year. We stayed home again, as we have for the past 4 years and it makes our holiday season so much more relaxed and enjoyable. I think the kids are happy to be able to stay home for the holidays and enjoy all their new toys.

We went to church on Christmas Eve. This was the first year that our church held a Christmas Eve service and it was a packed house! They had to add chairs to the back, so I do believe this will be an annual event.

The kids received so many wonderful things from Santa this year. They were very excited, happy and thankful for everything.

Connor cannot wait for spring to try out his new remote control helicopter.

Lindsey got tons of new accessories for her American Girl dolls.

I must explain the next two pictures. Wayne had these 2 cups he brought into our marriage. They were 1970's Tupperware cups that he dearly loved. They were really the only two cups he liked to drink out from. Earlier this year, he had to get rid of one of them because the rim was wearing and it was cutting his lip. So, now he was just down to one. So, for Christmas, I searched for these cups. Thanks to ebay, I was thrilled to find a set of 4 that appear to be in new condition. Who would keep 30-40 year old cups all this time that they never used?? Anyway, you can see the joy on his face when he opened his cups. They were his favorite gift!!

Isaac loved his pillow pet!

Wayne got a new blue ray DVD player!

Connor and Lindsey could not wait to try out their new net books! They love them.