Saturday, January 22, 2011


Lindsey's ENT appointment went about how I expected. On a scale of 1-4, with 4 being the worst, the ENT rated Lindsey's a 3 and said they needed to come out. She took the news pretty well considering how scared she was to even go to this appt. There were two times when I thought she was going to cry, but she didn't. I was so proud of her. She is scheduled for surgery on Feb. 22. She has to be out of school for one week and then if she feels up to it, she can return to school, but no PE for the second week. I think right now she is mostly afraid of the pre-op testing. She has to go get blood work done on Feb. 8. They did a fabulous job of explaining to her why this was important and how they need to see that her blood clots normally and why, but she's still a bit nervous to have it done since she's never had it done before. But, I think she'll do fine. Out of all my kids, she has the most pain tolerance. After her appt., I took her out to dinner at Olive Garden so we could spend a little girl time together and she enjoyed that. It's one of her favorite places to eat.

Isaac has been a real stinker the past few days, so I'm hoping he gets his act together really soon! I'm not sure what is going on, but I guess I'm going to have to lay down the law again. This boy is surely a challenge for me at times!

Today, Wayne took Connor, his friend Nolan, and my brother-in-law Eric, to the Ohio State vs. U of I basketball game. A friend of ours gave Wayne 4 tickets for box seats to the game. Apparently he got them free at work. It was so nice of him to think of us like that! They were really excited for today, so I'm anxious to hear about all the fun. When Wayne first came home with the tickets, I thought to myself "please do not say you want me to go!" I LOVE football, but basketball.....not so much! So, when Wayne asked who should go, I was quick to tell him to invite other people. I had NO interest! I'm sure it will be fun for them, though.