Wednesday, January 19, 2011

That time!

I just spent the past hour and a half cleaning out the kids closets trying to determine what will/will not fit them this summer. Last year, I got pretty lucky with Connor and didn't need to buy him much of anything, so this year he needs everything. Isaac needs everything too as he's growing like a weed! Last summer, Lindsey grew about 4 sizes, so I think I'll actually have some stuff already that will work for her, but I will have to make her try some things on first to be sure.

Isaac had preschool this morning and while he was gone, I went to the park district and registered the kids for upcoming events. I got Lindsey registered for the father/daughter ball next month. Isaac is now registered for spring soccer and summer t-ball. Connor is ready to go for his first season of kid pitch baseball. We decided not to register Connor and Lindsey in spring soccer this year because last year their age was terribly unorganized due to lack of participation. So, now Wayne can coach Isaac's soccer team instead.

I'm leaving in a bit to take Lindsey to her ENT appointment to evaluate whether or not we need to remove her tonsils. She is extremely nervous, but she is getting strep so frequently that our doctor wanted her to be seen by the ENT.