Tuesday, January 18, 2011


After all the chaos of last week, I was in need of a restful weekend and that is exactly what we had! The kids had KFC on Friday night and then Lindsey had a sleepover at Megan's. On Saturday, the most exciting thing we did was get gas and rotate the tires...LOL! On Sunday, we had our friends, Brian and Tonya over along with their kids. It was so nice to spend time with them. They were in our small group last year, so we saw them all the time. However, we decided not to do a group this year due to the increase in activities our kids were involved in. So, we only see them at church. We really enjoyed Sunday night getting to catch up with them. They are a great family! Connor also started basketball on Sunday.

Yesterday, I spent some girl time with Lindsey. We ran a few errands in Peoria and made a stop at Starbucks, which she loves! She and Wayne will be going to the father/daughter ball again this year, so we needed to pick up a special dress for her to wear. We found a cute dress at Gap, so she is all set for the dance.

We ended our long weekend with a movie night last night and that concluded a slow, restful weekend that we were thrilled to have.

I am happy to report that I seem to be the only one who was victim of my flu bug. No one else in the house got it from me....YEAH!!