Thursday, January 13, 2011

What a week!!!!

Where do I even begin... Sorry this is long...but it really has been a week!

The past week has been eventful, to say the least. I'll start with last Monday evening. Connor started complaining of a stomach ache thinking he may be sick. He carried the "puke bowl" around for the evening and took it to bed with him. The next morning, he still has a belly ache, but hasn't been sick so far. I went ahead and kept him home from school in case he had the stomach flu. He played fine all day without a complaint. He continued to complain about his stomach about once a day for the next few days. He had gone to the bathroom at least twice that I was aware of, had not thrown up, no fever, so I was just kinda keeping an eye on it.

On Friday, we were planning to go pick up our new van. We were wanting a red one, but the sales man wasn't able to find one for us. He was able to find a dark gray one. However, that morning, the dealer called and said that it didn't arrive. They were trading with another dealership to get the one we wanted and the other dealer decided to not follow up with the deal. Since our credit union vehicle loan sale ended in just a few days, I went to work online and found the exact one we red! Amazing that a person who does this for a living wasn't able to find what I could in about 45 minutes of time online. I was able to negotiate a deal over the phone and we headed to Oakbrook, IL that evening and bought our new van, so it was a late night! The kids didn't get to bed until 11:30...yikes!

Had I any idea what we had in store for us the next day, I think I would have just sent Wayne after the new van and kept the kids at home.

At 5 AM the next morning, Connor came in complaining that his belly hurt. We didn't think too much of it at first because he had been saying this on and off in passing for a week. However at 6, he came back in complaining again. Wayne got up with him and woke me 30 minutes later because Connor was crying and rolling around on the floor due to pain. I immediately got dressed and took him to the ER fearing an appendicitis. Wayne's sister, Laura, came to get Isaac and Lindsey so Wayne could come join us. Thanks, Laura!

They took a urine sample and x-ray of his belly. The x-ray showed he was VERY full of stool. The urine test showed blood in his pee. That got him an enema and kidney ultrasound. The ultrasound was fine, so they never did figure out the blood in his pee, but they were no longer concerned about it since the ultrasound was okay. The enema did all! Due to his pain and amount of stool, they decided to admit him. He had hard, impacted stool right where he was complaining of belly pain. He ended up getting an NG Tube so they could put medicine down into his belly to empty his intestines. It worked pretty fast and by the next morning, everything from his descending colon down were clear, his pain was gone and we got to go home. It was a horrible experience for him and I hope to never have him go through this again. Connor and Wayne are now on the same regiment of medications for chronic constipation.

Poor guy!! I felt so bad for him!

Day 2: Feeling much better, so the nurse wheeled in the Mobile Wii. He was thrilled!

We got him back home mid day on Sunday. He stayed home from school Monday so I could be sure he was doing okay and went back on Tuesday.

Tuesday was great...almost! I thought we were out of the woods from chaos, but it seemed I brought home a hospital souvenir. As soon as I started eating dinner, I could tell something wasn't quite right, so I quite eating. Thank goodness I did, because within 2 hours I had full blown stomach flu. By yesterday morning, the worst was over and I was just left with fever and body aches for the day. Today, I'm feeling much more like myself. I think I may even be able to eat something other than toast, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe some soup?

So, now I'm just watching and waiting to see if anyone else is going to get sick. I would be shocked, but thrilled, if it was only me. But, I'm crossing my fingers!!