Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Here we go!

I guess I forgot to mention in my last post that during the bad weather last week, Lindsey came down with Strep again. I was happy for the 3 snow days because that is exactly the amount of time she needed before she was ready to return to school.

While the kids were home, we took advantage of the time at home and did the kids valentine boxes. Connor wanted an I-Pod that was playing the game Angry Birds. Lindsey saw this idea of a crocodile online and wanted to replicate it. I think they both turned out cute and the kids are very pleased with them. That's what counts.

I was really looking forward to last weekend because we only had one thing on the calendar and that was a Cheer Clinic for Lindsey at the High School. However, our weekend turned busy fast. Friday night, Wayne and I went out and bought him tons of new clothes and a new pair of dress shoes for his new job. He needs to wear sport coats on these trips he has to take because the people at Bucyrus tend to dress up more than the people at CAT. I think we got a great start to his new wardrobe.

Saturday, I was up early to get groceries and we headed into kohls because Wayne got the wrong size pants the night before....but that is a whole different story...men!!! ANYWAY, while we were there, I got both Connor and Lindsey new shoes because theirs were getting tight. Lindsey has now surpassed a size 6 youth, so we can no longer buy her any kids shoes. She now wears a 7.5 women, which is the same size as me. Crazy! Also gone are the days of finding her inexpensive tennis shoes! Geez....adult shoes are much more expensive. It stinks!

After getting home from Kohls, I realized Isaac was running a temp. It was under 101, which for Isaac is not that unusual, but he was complaining of a tummy ache, which is his normal M.O. for strep. I ran him to quick care and the wait was almost 2 hours, so we left and I decided to reassess later.

Saturday afternoon, Lindsey attended the Cheer Clinic at the High School. She didn't know any other girls her age, but our babysitter was the teacher for her age group and one of our neighbor girls also attended. She had a great time. Here is a picture of all the girls at the clinic.

That evening, we went to dinner with my friend, Tiffany, and her daughter, Lily, before the varsity basketball game that the girls were set to perform during. Here are some pictures of Lindsey's performance. She is just left of center court, with the short hair and black pants. She did a great job and had fun.

I ended up not having Wayne take Isaac back to quick care on Saturday evening because he didn't seem to have gotten any sicker throughout the day. WOW...that changed overnight. At 3 AM he came in my room crying that his throat really hurt and he was on fire. His temp was 104.2! So, Sunday morning, Wayne took the big kids to church and I took Isaac to prompt care. His rapid strep was positive, so now we've got him on antibiotics too. He's feeling much better and his temps are down, but he seems to have a touch of bronchitis too. I did some breathing treatments with him today and hopefully that will break up his chest congestion quickly.

Wayne officially started his new job today. He left with a new co-worker for Milwalkee, WI this morning. He will be back on Thursday evening. He is hoping to know much more about the job by the time he returns home. Right now, I'm anxious to see which team he is going to be on. They are dividing his group of 5 into 2 teams. One will visit the domestic sites of Bucyrus' Manufacturing Facilities and one will visit the international sites. The domestic group will have more trips, but shorter in duration. The international group will have fewer trips, but they will be longer in duration. Regardless of his group, this is just such a great opportunity for him. His new boss called it a "once in a lifetime job opportunity" and he told Wayne that he was the first person he thought of when he knew he had to assemble this team.