Monday, March 07, 2011

I see light

Lindsey has been getting a little bit better each day the past week and I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Thank goodness! She is eating some now, but not much. I think yesterday she ate a small soft pretzel and 1/4 of a mini size blizzard. But, at least it's something. She is still losing weight, which will hopeful taper off soon. She's lost 9 pounds now in 2 weeks. I'm planning to send her back to school tomorrow, but I'm not sure how lunch will go. I have no idea what to send with her and it takes her an eternity to eat. She is having to take really small bites so it doesn't get stuck in her throat. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go have lunch with her at school tomorrow just to see how she is feeling mid-day and that way I can take her something she can eat because her normal lunch just won't work yet.

Other than her recovery... not much has been going on around here. We had a very relaxing weekend, which was awesome! I went shopping Saturday morning to get Lindsey new jeans because she can't keep her current ones up, but that was about it. I may take the kids out to do something fun today since they don't have school, but I haven't decided yet.