Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Tonsil surgery SUCKS!

Hopefully spring weather is just around the corner because I could use some sunshine in my life!

Things have been absolutely crazy around here. Lindsey had her tonsils removed one week ago today. To say that I was unprepared for what was to come is a gross understatement. She did really good the day of surgery, with the exception of throwing up a few times, and even ate some pancake that night. I woke her every 2 hours that night to drink and take her meds. The next morning, she tried to eat and the first bite got stuck in her throat and that was the start of our downward spiral. She barely ate the rest of the day, but was still taking her meds. By 4:00 AM on Thursday, her throat was so swollen that she could no longer swallow her pain pills. I ended up getting her an alternate for of pain medicine, but it still didn't seem strong enough to make her comfortable. I called the ENT and they wouldn't give her anything else for pain, so I just did my best to keep ice on her throat, keep her drinking and keep her taking her meds.

However, about 4:30, she started throwing up again and it was all stomach bile/acid. I called back to the ENT and they wanted her in the ER right away. It took three attempts to get an IV started because her veins kept blowing. They finally got it in and ran blood work that showed she was dehydrated and her glucose levels were low. They decided to admit her to help manage her pain and see if they could get her eating. It took a few days, but she finally ate enough on Sunday to come home.

Since coming home, she is continuing to fight eating and drinking. I'm tired of it. I hate to be mean while she feels bad, but I need to keep her healthy. I've started having to give her food or drinks and setting timers and if it's not gone when the timer goes off, she is off to her room for a certain amount of time or loses privileges on the computer or TV. It's just ridiculous!

Here are some pictures of our experiences:

Getting her Pre-Op tour. The child life specialist, Stacy, was awesome!!

Waiting for her turn for surgery.
Stacy put all kinds of cool toys in her room for her to play with while she waited.

Post surgery

Getting a nap before heading home.

Sunday at the hospital...she is eating a chicken nugget. Praise God!

The day Lindsey got out of the hospital, my mom was admitted into it. She is having some major lung problems and had a lung biopsy done. I didn't realize until this morning the severity of this type of biopsy. She was placed on a vent, had an IV put in her carotid artery, had a lung collapsed, a chest tube inserted and a chunk of lung tissue removed for testing. The doctor said she came through the surgery well and we pray that find some answers in this round of testing. She'll be in the hospital several more days, I'm sure, so please keep her in your prayers.