Tuesday, March 08, 2011

She's back!

Lindsey was back to school today!!! I'm so glad. She had a great first day. I went up at lunch to take her some food since she's still not on a normal diet given that her throat is still scabbed over some. She was tired, but wanted to stay at school and finish out the day. We had a movie night tonight at home so she could just relax and rest up for tomorrow. She loves the movie Parent Trap so we rented it.

Tomorrow Connor and Lindsey have ISAT testing at school. It is the rest of this week and some of next week. I hate that Lindsey missed all the practice testing at school last week, but in a way I'm glad. She was a mess last year the night before ISAT's because her teacher had drilled it into their heads how important the tests were. Tonight, she is totally calm and at ease. In fact, she only brought it up once. What a difference a year makes!

We got our new MacBook Pro and iPhone last week. I'm struggling to learn the in's and out's of a new operating system, but I'm sure I will get it all figured out sooner or later. Right now, my old laptop is sitting next to my MacBook for those times when I can't figure out something and get frustrated. I guess I should take the time to go through the tutorial videos, but who really wants to do that??

My mom got out of the hospital today. She had to have a PIC line inserted into her arm to continue to get IV antibiotics at home for another 2 weeks. I hope she can get back to feeling like herself soon. She's had such a rough year!